Which instruments do you teach?
Cello, trumpet, trombone, tuba, flute, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, electric guitar, double bass, vocals, drum kit.
How much are the lessons?
Beginning in September 2024, the school will introduce a fee for individual instrument lessons. This decision has been made to ensure the sustainability and quality of our music education offerings.
All other music clubs and ensembles will continue to be free of charge, including our guitar ensembles, woodwind group, Jazz Collective, vocal group, lunchtime violins, and electric orchestra. We are committed to allowing all students to explore and enjoy music through our various group activities.
We will also keep instrument lessons free of charge for students receiving Pupil Premium or Free School Meals.
Lesson Charges:
– £137 per term
– Minimum of 10 individual 25-minute instrument lessons
How do I sign up?
Individual lessons will be available to book via ParentPay during the week commencing Monday 9th September. Look out for the information published in the first parent bulletin on Friday 6th September.
How long are the lessons?
Instrument lessons that are 25 minutes long and are timetabled throughout the school day on a rotation basis. Timetables are posted in the music department each half term.
How many lessons can you take?
You can sign up for one instrument per term, where space permits. This applies to KS3 students and those in KS4 who have chosen music as an option. After-school and lunchtime enrichment clubs are not restricted so you can sign up for as many as space and time allows.
Can I borrow an instrument?
– Limited number of instruments available to borrow for free (woodwind, brass, violin, cello)
– Issued on a first-come, first-served basis
– Parents may need to buy/rent instruments if not available
My son is in year 10 but didn’t take music. Can he still have his instrument lesson?
Once a student decides on their Key Stage 4 options, only those choosing music can continue to access timetabled 1-to-1 instrument lessons. Extra-curricular groups and after-school lessons are still accessible.
What if I have a clash with another timetabled lesson?
Sometimes an instrument lesson clashes with an assessment lesson or with off-site PE. In these cases, we would look to reschedule the time or else try and find a slot during break or lunchtime if possible. Talk to your instrument tutor or Mr. Coggle to let them know about the clash and they will try to arrange something as soon as possible.
Can you help me arrange for private lessons outside of school?
The links will help you connect with local teachers offering a range of instrument tuition options.
Can I get help to buy an instrument?
See this list for funds available for young musicians.
Woodwind Instrument Options: